COVID update DEC 2022:

I’m open to all patients (availability allowing). However I’m still taking sensible precautions such as sterilising equipment between visits, regularly washing/sterilising hands etc. I still ask all patients to stick to the following guidelines where possible, for the safety of others using the building

• try to arrive on time – not early or late
• use the hand sanitiser inside the front door, and/or wash your hands upon entry
• where possible, use contactless payment
please don't come to the clinic if you have any potential COVID symptoms.

If you’re unable to attend the clinic or you’d rather not, Zoom appointments are available for Chinese herbal medicine.

Bristol acupuncture practice

Looking for acupuncture and/or chinese herbal medicine in Bristol? Read more about Tom's approach.

Tom has been practising Chinese medicine since 2007. You can find out more about Tom and his approach, as well as reading testimonials, by clicking here. Use the 'Conditions' menu above for more information about what he commonly treats (not an exhaustive list).

Explore the site to get a general introduction to acupuncture, or Chinese herbs, and read some more specific thoughts on Tom's acupuncture blog. You can also visit the homepage to watch videos of Tom demonstrating some of the techniques, and explaining some of the basics.

If you have any questions, please use the contact form below. If you're ready to make a booking, scroll down the page for more information on prices, hours etc. You can also click here for some ideas on how to get the most out of your treatment.

What type of treatment do I need? Acupuncture, electroacupuncture, massage, herbs, cupping…

Often a combination is ideal, but here is some general guidance. In my experience, acupuncture (and sometimes electroacupuncture) and tuina massage are great for general wellbeing, stress/anxiety relief, and physical pain of various kinds. They can also be beneficial for more internal issues like digestive complaints, menstrual/fertility issues etc. but generally herbal medicine is more powerful in these situations. However, each case is different, and it’s not always easy to predict who will respond well to which type of treatment. I’m happy to advise during an initial consultation, but I don’t push people one way or another so if you have a strong preference of approach I’m happy to go with it.

How to book

Please use the contact form below (preferred), or call/text Tom on 07966 347453 to book (often unable to answer so please leave a message, or preferably use the form below). See below for prices and clinic details.

contact tom

Clinic days/times

Private acupuncture/tuina massage/Chinese herbal medicine:

Mondays 9am to 3.30pm

Tuesdays 11am to late

Wednesdays 10am to 5pm

Low-cost group acupuncture: Unavailable for the foreseeable future, but reductions are sometimes available for those in financial need - see ‘Reductions’ below.

Initial consultation PRICEs

Initial phone chat (optional if you have questions): £0 (up to 15 mins).

Private initial consultation/treatment, any combination of acupuncture/tuina massage/Chinese herbs (60 mins): £65 (plus cost of herbs (see below) if you’re having them).

Low-cost group acupuncture: CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE, but reductions on private sessions are sometimes available for those in financial need - see below.

Follow-up session prices

Private follow-up acupuncture including other treatments (tuina massage/cupping/moxa) (45 mins): £45 + cost of herbs (see below) where relevant.

Private follow-up acupuncture only (30 mins): £35

Private follow-up consultation for Chinese herbs only (30 mins): £35 + cost of herbs (see below).

Chinese herbal medicine

High quality, individualised herbal formulas in convenient granule form (in addition to consultation fees): usually around £20-25 per week depending on formula/dosage.


I take on a limited number of reduced price private patients facing financial difficulty, but there may be a waiting list for availability. Click here to apply for a reduced private rate.

Payment methods

Cash/cards/bank transfers accepted (receipts available on request).

Clinic address

The Natural Health Clinic @ The Practice Rooms, 39 Cotham Hill, Bristol, BS6 6JY.

See below for details of how to gain access to the building.


Metered parking is sometimes available on Cotham Hill but can be busy. The Sainsbury’s multi-story carpark nearby (off Whiteladies Rd - see map below) is a more reliable option.


How to get into the building

The clinic uses a colour-coded buzzer system - please press the appropriate buzzer at the time of your appointment (see your confirmation/reminder email for colour, which may vary). Apologies for the inconvenience, but there is no waiting room in the building so please don’t buzz before your session - practitioners are not allowed to let people in before their appointment time.

Tom Kennedy Acupuncture Bristol