Acupuncture, tuina massage and Chinese herbs for stress & anxiety in Bristol — Tom Kennedy Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs Bristol

Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine for stress and anxiety Bristol

This video shows an edited treatment for someone suffering from stress and anxiety.  Every treatment is different, depending on multiple factors, but I use some of the techniques and points seen here quite frequently as I've found them effective for these types of condition. 

One famous acupuncture point I don't use in this particular demonstration is Liver 3. This point - which lies between the big toe and second toe - is commonly thought of as a 'stress relief' point, and it certainly features commonly in my treatments when I make a diagnosis of 'Liver Qi stagnation'. However, in this case, I felt the underlying disharmony was more due to what we refer to as 'Spleen deficiency', so I chose a different approach. 

I did, however, use the acupuncture point Yintang (located between the eyebrows), which is another favourite in cases of stress and anxiety. It has a general calming effect, and I frequently use it to 'calm the mind' when this seems appropriate (and in the world we live in, that's pretty often!). 

Find out more about acupuncture for stress and anxiety by clicking here.

Transcript of the video:

'Stress and anxiety are reaching epidemic levels in our society. Many people feel that they can't switch off their mental chatter, or that they just don't have time to unwind. Visiting a qualified acupuncturist is one way to allow yourself the time and space to relax deeply.

As a traditional acupuncturist, I'll take details about your unique situation, and combine my findings with a careful reading of your body's signs and symptoms to come up with an individualised treatment. I use a combination of techniques, including a Chinese bodywork system called tuina, to bring balance back to your system, by encouraging movement and free-flow where I find restriction, as well as a deep level of calm and rejuvenation. Stress is a complicated problem with many potential causes, and I also offer specific dietary and lifestyle advice where appropriate to help you tackle the problem on all levels. The aim is to assess the overall situation at the time of the treatment, and to encourage a positive change, almost like re-tuning a delicate instrument. Every manipulation of a needle or movement of a hand is intended to carefully guide you back to a restful, refreshed state.

Scientific research is backing up this traditional approach, by showing the various ways in which acupuncture benefits people suffering from anxiety and stress. Visit the British Acupuncture Council website - - for further information.

If you're suffering from the effects of stress and anxiety, try a few sessions of acupuncture, and give your body and mind what they need to find a new level of balance and calm.'

Tom Kennedy uses diet and lifestyle advice, tuina (Chinese massage) and acupuncture in his clinics in Bristol to help people suffering from stress and anxiety, as well as a number of other conditions. See the clinics page to make a booking.